Ana, Khoerotun Nisa (2024) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL BERBASIS CANVA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA. Other thesis, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali Cilacap.

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Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas media audio visual berbasis Canva untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengikuti 10 langkah prosedur penelitian yang dijelaskan oleh Borg and Gall yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan bentuk produk pendahuluan, uji coba lapangan awal, revisi hasil uji coba, uji lapangan produk utama, revisi produk operasional, uji coba operasional, revisi produk akhir, diseminasi dan implementasi.
Tingkat kelayakan media audio visual berbasis Canva ini dilihat dari penilaian tiga validator yaitu ahli media, ahli materi dan ahli bahasa. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari ahli media diperoleh kategori “Valid” dengan nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 96,66%, hasil penilaian dari ahli materi diperoleh kategori “Cukup Valid” dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 75%, dan hasil penilaian dari ahli bahasa diperoleh kategori “Cukup Valid” dengan nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 75%. Sedangkan hasil penilaian uji coba lapangan awal dari guru dan 10 siswa diperoleh kategori “Valid” dengan nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 90,62% dan 81,40%, hasil penilaian uji coba lapangan utama dari guru dan 20 siswa diperoleh kategori “Valid” dengan nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 85,93% dan 82,93%, hasil penilaian uji coba lapangan operasional dari guru dan 30 siswa diperoleh kategori “Valid” dengan nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 81,72% dan 96,87%.
Tingkat keefektifan dari media audio visual berbasis Canva ini terjadi peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa. Motivasi sebelum menggunakan media (pretest) dan sesudah menggunakan media (posttest) diperoleh nilai selisih atau perbandingannya sebesar 2578, dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 85,93. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji analisis paired samples statistic menunjukan peningkatan pada hasil pretest-posttest dengan jumlah nilai hasil pretest yaitu 60,73 dan posttest dengan jumlah nilai hasil yaitu 146,67. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media audio visual berbasis Canva efektif dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa.
The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Canva-based audio-visual media to increase student learning motivation. The research and development procedures used in this study follow the 10 steps of research procedures described by Borg and Gall, namely research and information gathering, planning, development of preliminary product forms, initial field trials, revision of trial results, main product field trials, operational product revisions, operational trials, final product revisions, dissemination and implementation.
The feasibility level of Canva-based audio-visual media is seen from the assessment of three validators, namely media experts, material experts and linguists. Based on the assessment results from media experts, the "Valid" category was obtained with an average score of 96.66%, the assessment results from material experts was obtained in the "Quite Valid" category with an average score of 75%, and the assessment results from linguists was obtained in the "Quite Valid" category with an average score of 75%. While the results of the initial field trial assessment from teachers and 10 students obtained the "Valid" category with an average score of 90.62% and 81.40%, the results of the main field trial assessment from teachers and 20 students obtained the "Valid" category with an average score of 85.93% and 82.93%, the results of the operational field trial assessment from teachers and 30 students obtained the "Valid" category with an average score of 81.72% and 96.87%.
The level of effectiveness of Canva-based audio-visual media is an increase in student learning motivation. Motivation before using the media (pretest) and after using the media (posttest) obtained a difference or comparison value of 2578, with an average score of 85.93. Based on the results of the paired samples statistical analysis test, it shows an increase in the pretest-posttest results with a total pretest score of 60.73 and a posttest with a total score of 146.67. So, it can be concluded that Canva-based audio-visual media is effective in increasing student learning motivation.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pengembangan, Media Audio Visual, Canva, Motivasi Belajar Development, Audio Visual Media, Canva, Learning Motivation
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) > Prodi Bimbingan Konseling (BK)
Depositing User: Teguh Wibowo
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2024 06:50
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2024 06:50

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