Pengaruh Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Karyawan Departemen Produksi PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja Cilacap)

Dea, Fidyantika (2022) Pengaruh Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Karyawan Departemen Produksi PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja Cilacap). Other thesis, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali Cilacap.

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Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat employee engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi pada PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Sumber daya manusia merupakan aset penting perusahaan yang harus selalu dikembangkan, sebab SDM menjadi perencana dan pelaku aktif disetiap aktifitas organisasi dalam mencapai tujian. Dimana sebagai aset keberhasilan kinerja salah satu faktornya adalah keterikatan karyawan ( Employee Engagement), OCB dan Budaya Organisasi. Salah satu masalah peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti kinerja ditandai adanya tingkat menurun semangat kerja atau antusiasme karyawan berdasarkan observasi peneliti.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari variabel employee engagement, organizational citizenship behavior dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan departemen produksi dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif.
Sampel yang digunakan adalah karyawan department produksi PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja dengan jumlah sebanayk 98 responden. Jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan penyebaran kuesioner, untuk variabel employee engagement 10 item pernyataan, variabel organizational citizenship behavior 15 item pernyataan, variabel budaya organisasi 9 item pertanyaan dan variabel kinerja 14 item pernyataan, semua data yang diberikan dari karyawan departemen produksi PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja valid dan reliabel. Data sekunder diperoleh dari jurnal, internet, artikel dan literatur. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi normalitas, uji multikoleniaritas, uji heterokedastisitas, uji analisis regresi linier berganda, uji T, uji F dan uji koefesien determinasi (R²) dengan bantuan IBM SPSS Versi 22.0. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa employee engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan. Tingkat positif dilihat dari Employee Engagement dari tabel coefisiens dapat diketahui bahwa nilai signifikansi parsial Employee Engagement (X₁) sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dan nilai t_hitung > 4,213 > t_tabel 1,985 , Organizarional Citizenship Behavior sebesar 0,002 < 0,05 dan nilai t_hitung3,150 > t_tabel 1,985, dan Budaya Organisasi sebesar 0,000 <0,05 dan nilai t_hitung 3,892 > t_tabel 1,985. Hasil F_hitung sebesar 48,102 > F_tabel 3,092 dengan nilai signifikansi < 0,001 < 0,05. Kinerja Karyawan secara simultan dipengaruhi oleh Employee Engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi.
This study is to determine the level of employee engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Culture at PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja has an effect on employee performance. Human resources are an important company asset that must be developed, because HR is an active planner and actor in every organizational activity in achieving goals. Where as an asset to the success of performance, one of the factors is employee engagement (Employee Engagement), OCB and Organizational Culture. One of the problems researchers are interested in researching performance is marked by a decreased level of morale or enthusiasm of employees based on researcher observations.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of employee engagement, organizational citizenship behavior and organizational culture on employee performance in the production department by using the research methodology used, namely a quantitative approach.
The samples used were employees of the production department of PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja with a total of 98 respondents. Types and sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires, for variable employee engagement 10 statement items, organizational citizenship behavior variable 15 statement items, organizational culture variable 9 question items and performance variable 14 statement items, all data provided from employees of the production department of PT. Wahana Kasih Mulia Kedungreja is valid and reliable. Secondary data were obtained from journals, internet, articles and literature. The data analysis used in this research is validity test, reliability test, normality assumption test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis test, T test, F test and coefficient of determination test (R²) with the help of IBM SPSS Version 22.0. The results of the research conducted indicate that employee engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Culture have a positive effect on employee performance. The positive level seen from Employee Engagement from the coefficient table can be seen that the partial significance value of Employee Engagement (X₁) is 0.000 < 0.05 and the t_count > 4.213 > t_table is 1.985, Organizational Citizenship Behavior is 0.002 < 0.05 and the t_count is 3.150 > t_table is 1,985, and Organizational Culture is 0.000 <0.05 and the value of t_count is 3.892 > t_table is 1.985. The result of F_count is 48,102 > F_table 3,092 with a significance value < 0.001 < 0.05. Employee performance is simultaneously influenced by Employee Engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Culture.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Employee Engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior dan Budaya Organisasi dan Kinerja Karyawan Employee Engagement, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Culture and Employee Performance
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi (FE) > Prodi Manajemen (MAN)
Depositing User: Teguh Wibowo
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2024 06:55
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2024 06:55

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